NEET Exam Biology : Full Study Material and Syllabus
NEET Biology Syllabus and Study Material: NEET commonly refers to the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test in India. NEET is a national-level entrance examination for students who wish to pursue undergraduate medical and dental courses in government or private medical colleges and dental colleges in India. The NEET exam consists of three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and Biology....
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Bakery Algorithm in Process Synchronization
Prerequisite – Critical Section, Process Synchronization, Inter Process Communication The Bakery algorithm is one of the simplest known solutions to the mutual exclusion problem for the general case of N process. Bakery Algorithm is a critical section solution for N processes. The algorithm preserves the first come first serve property....
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CPU Scheduling in Operating Systems
Scheduling of processes/work is done to finish the work on time. CPU Scheduling is a process that allows one process to use the CPU while another process is delayed (in standby) due to unavailability of any resources such as I / O etc, thus making full use of the CPU. The purpose of CPU Scheduling is to make the system more efficient, faster, and fairer....
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Process Schedulers in Operating System
In computing, a process is the instance of a computer program that is being executed by one or many threads. Scheduling is important in many different computer environments. One of the most important areas of scheduling is which programs will work on the CPU. This task is handled by the Operating System (OS) of the computer and there are many different ways in which we can choose to configure programs....
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Dielectric Heating
Within the ever-changing field of modern heating technology, dielectric heating stands out as a ground-breaking and effective technique with a wide range of uses. This creative approach of heating introduces an evolutionary change in business procedures by using the exact control of dielectric materials as its basis. Dielectric heating, in contrast to traditional techniques, uses the inherent properties of non-conductive materials to produce heat through molecular friction when exposed to an alternating electric power source....
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Power Factor Improvement
Power factor improvement is an indispensable piece of optimizing electrical systems for expanding effectiveness and diminished energy utilization. In the space of electrical designing, power factor is the extent of how effectively electrical power is changed over into important work output. The power factor has a worth somewhere in the range of 0 and 1, with a worth of 1 addressing ideal effectiveness. In numerous modern and business settings, power factors will in general go amiss from solidarity as a result of the presence of responsive power parts, prompting diminished system productivity....
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Python Pyramid – Message Flashing
In this article, we will explore the concept of Python flashing through a practical example. We’ll be creating a registration page where, upon entering the correct information, a success message will be displayed. Conversely, if there are errors in the provided details, an error message will be shown on the display screen....
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How to Handle Large Numbers in C++?
In C++, when working with very large numbers the standard data types like int can become insufficient due to their limited range. In this article, we will learn how we can handle large numbers in C++....
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What Is Cloud Computing ?
Nowadays, Cloud computing is adopted by every company, whether it is an MNC or a startup many are still migrating towards it because of the cost-cutting, lesser maintenance, and the increased capacity of the data with the help of servers maintained by the cloud providers....
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Servo Motor
A servo motor is a special kind of electric motor designed to enable precise and accurate movement. It is commonly used in applications such as robots or machines. A servo motor is like a smart motor because it can control its position, speed, and power. This motor works with a sensor that tells it where it is, and a controller makes sure it moves the way we want it to. People use these motors a lot in big machines, especially in places like factories where we need things to move very accurately and smoothly. This article discusses servo motors, and their importance in various fields such as robotics and manufacturing, explaining how they work, how they’re built, and where they are commonly used....
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Ocean Currents
What are Ocean Currents? Ocean Currents are the continuous, directed movement of seawater. It is caused by various impacts on the water, such as wind, the Coriolis effect, temperature and salinity changes, etc....
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Range Operations and Lazy Propagation for Competitive Programming
In competitive programming, mastering range operations and understanding lazy propagation techniques is a crucial skill set for efficiently handling complex problems involving large datasets. Range operations involve performing actions, such as queries or updates, over a specific range of elements in a data structure, offering a powerful tool for solving algorithmic challenges....
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